The idea of American Dream can’t be bound in a timeline of the past. Well, with the discovery of America, the very idea of the ‘New World’ started to take shape. The recent economic downtime has drastically dampened the idea of American Dream. Perhaps, it will require united efforts on the part of US citizens to bounce back and regain its true position of a superpower in terms of American Dream.
The ‘American Dream’ can be defined as the idea of a liberal and wealthy America. The term ‘American Dream’, was introduced by James Truslow Adams, a historian and writer. The opportunity of fulfilling your dreams by simply working hard has remained at the very essence of the American Dream. The migration from Europe to the USA, which took place during the period of industrial development, was powered by this strong idea. It wasn’t just the Europeans, but also folks from all over the world. They traveled to this country in search of jobs and a better life than in their motherland. Evidently, America proved to be a land where anybody could pursue his dreams, regardless of race, religion, creed, caste and so on. Just work hard and American Dream will come true for you. That’s so simple and attractive.
In today’s world where the global economy is in a tough crisis, the American Dream has been questioned and challenged like never before. Now let’s see how the American Dream has unfolded over time.
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The American Dream, according to James Truslow Adams, can be defined as a dream of a land, where life should be better and more prosperous and certainly fuller for everybody, with opportunity for any individual according to ability or achievement.
It’s rather a difficult dream for the European upper classes to adequately interpret. Many of us have grown quite mistrustful of it. That’s not a dream of luxurious cars and high wages, but a dream of social order, suggesting that everybody regardless of gender is able to gain the fullest stature of which they’re capable, and be recognized by other people for what they are, regardless of the circumstances of birth and position.
A tempting land of opportunities – that’s what the United States has always been considered. People from the entire world have migrated to the USA, mostly in search of employment as well as freedom of religion. However, there’re a lot of factors responsible for making the USA a sought-after destination to lead a wealthy life. In this country the ‘individual’, rather than collective population becomes crucial in the process of devising policies. Exactly this ‘individual’ population makes changes, taking up vital developmental initiatives and so on.
The youth from the Third World nations have considered America to be attractive in many regards. They have always appreciated the socioeconomic conditions in this country. The freedom, which can be enjoyed in America is definitely nowhere to be found. On the other hand, there’s also a darker side to the US society which should be understood properly. The matter is that the American Dream has been marred by such social evils as racism, slavery and in recently by the hawkish imperial policies of its government. Apparently, the promissory note of ‘all men are created equal’ of the Declaration of Independence was absolutely meaningless when Black people were slaves. Like any other nation, America had its limitations too. To realize the American Dream, it was important to eliminate these social evils prevalent in the US society. Our authors will cover all of this mentioned above in your American dream essay.
Obviously, the American Dream doesn’t have a single definition. Different folks in the USA have a different perception of this idea. Study of the history of American Civil War can help us to understand the two different points of view as for the American Dream. Well, all thirteen colonies of the pre-independence era feuded with the British forces. By the end of the American Revolution things had changed. As a result, the southern states had different views which failed to match with those of the northern ones. The northern states didn’t appreciate the tradition of slavery and wanted a federal government to rule the entire nation. Moreover, they also called for the growth of industries in the USA. On the other hand, southern states wanted a sovereign state for them. These states backed the system of slavery as it provided them with cheap labor. Their interests lied more in the area of agricultural development. These differences and clashes in opinions gave birth to the Civil War.
These days a great number of Americans have lost their faith in the American Dream. Hawkish policies of the US Government more than the economic downtime are responsible for the occurrence of this situation. The efforts of America to establish its superiority over other countries were perceived as an indisputable part of the American Dream by many US citizens. After the formation of Canada, there weren’t any territories left in North America for the USA to expand. Therefore, the USA turned to the east and backed South Korea against North Korea in its attempt to weaken China’s influence in the region. Having helped South Korea to regain its territory from North Korea, America decided to invade North Korea. However, China’s government warned the USA against taking such steps.
However, the tensions between these countries grew and the Korean War burst out. A 200,000 strong Chinese army dared to attack the UN forces which backed the USA in Korea. Being afraid of the probable intervention of USSR, the UN forces had to retreat back to the south. Perhaps, you wonder why we’ve just cited these instances. The matter is that in the process of asserting itself as a real superpower, the United States started suppressing the weaker countries. The hawkish policies of America have acted against the very sacred essence of the American Dream – freedom and liberty. To revive the American Dream, this country shouldn’t only strengthen its national economy, but also act as a very responsible nation.
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Barack Hussein Obama, the former president of the United States has voiced his point of view as for reviving the American Dream. In the backdrop of the global economic downtime, giving a new hope to the US citizens is very important. The following quote by Obama tells a lot about his determination and points out to the necessity of creating a ‘New World’.
The time has come to bridge the surging divide between Wall Street and Main Street. The American Dream is actually slipping out of reach.
In the President’s view the American Dream incorporates the following points:
- To make college education affordable
- To bring about reforms in the unfair lending practices
- Expansion in number of paid sick days
- Provision of a universal health care cover
In today’s times of financial turmoil as well as global economic recession, the issue of the American Dream is being raised once again. However, many people still doubt whether this idea is really worth pursuing or not. However, even today, America holds the key to tackling many of the issues prevalent in today’s world.
There’s no doubt, America appears to be a strong player in world politics. This superpower plays a crucial role in developing cutting edge technology. So, the United States can once again climb to the heights of prosperity it had reached before. We can only hope that the American Dream will be fulfilled under the new leadership of the United States.